Sunday, August 4, 2024

CRTC Hearing 2024-143-1 interventions

Filed to Sunday 13:25 CET.


Application by Google for an exemption
The agreement signed with the CJC Canadian Journalism Collective

interventions include:


Citizens posting for media companies

Not prophet radio station undertaking like our small independent community

for profits, 

small independents, rover


Volunteers that support cactus

Large Jewish organization, 

large Quebec media companies, 


Ethnic media companies

Magazines Canada

The interventions generally covered:

Only some addressed questions which to me means a lot are coming on Monday.

me too, 

including request for a second call for publishers 

cup is excluded, magazines Canada’s excluded 

calls for a code of conduct (some pretty heavy newspapers that breached a code of conduct)

interventions ranged from: no exemption for Google to one year for exemption.

Interventions zip file 2.5 mb